Discover When It’s Appropriate for Your Child to Receive Braces in Mesquite
April 23, 2019
Just because your child’s teeth look as if they need braces in Mesquite doesn’t actually mean they’re old enough for them. There are a variety of factors that come into play in determining when a child is old enough to seek treatment for different dental issues, including crooked teeth. While you may not know the right age, your child’s orthodontist does, so read on to find out when it’s the appropriate time for braces.
3 Reasons Your Child Should See a Pediatric Dentist in Richardson
April 19, 2019
When it comes to caring for your child’s teeth, who better than a pediatric dentist, right? For many parents, it’s more convenient to have everyone in the family see the same dentist; however, this may not be in the best interest of your kids. To find out why, we’ve compiled a list of 3 reasons your child should see a pediatric dentist in Richardson.
Discover How to Improve Your Smile with Dental Implants in Pleasant Grove
April 7, 2019
When it comes to missing teeth, you may first visualize a set of dentures. While these are a viable option for some patients, dental implants in Pleasant Grove can fully restore your smile and oral health. Providing greater stability and long-lasting results, it’s no surprise they’re often viewed as the best solution in addressing missing teeth. Find out more about this tooth replacement solution and how the implantation process works.