Why Are Dental Implants So Popular?
June 30, 2020

Amidst all the options you have to replace your missing teeth, one sets itself apart from the rest: dental implants. This new method of tooth replacement is becoming increasingly popular, with more than 500,000 dental implants placed every year. Why have over 3 million Americans chosen this dental restoration over more traditional ones like bridges or dentures? Read on as your Mesquite dentist explains seven unique benefits of rebuilding your smile with dental implants.
(more…)How to Keep Your Hands Clean to Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19
June 23, 2020

By far one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs, including the ones that cause COVID-19, is to wash your hands on a regular basis, especially if you’re an essential worker who interacts with people all day. However, even if you spend most of your time at home, it’s important to know the proper handwashing technique and pay attention to the cleaning products you use. To learn more about which products you should use and how to wash your hands to prevent contracting COVID-19, keep reading below as a dentist in Far North Dallas explains the facts.
(more…)Why Is My Dentist Asking Me to Rinse Before My Appointment?
June 17, 2020

A wide variety of new infection control protocols have been put in place at your dentist’s office to safeguard your health during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, everyone needs to do their part to keep the entire office safe. That’s why you’ll be asked to follow a few extra precautions at your next appointment. Find out why your Love Field dentist may request that you use a special mouthwash before your appointment and how it works to keep you and your dental team safe.
(more…)How to Correctly Wear a Face Mask
June 2, 2020

COVID-19 is spread through infected respiratory droplets that are dispersed when a sick person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. As more studies are being conducted, researchers are discovering that many cases of COVID-19 present no or very few symptoms. Since this means that people may be contagious with the virus without knowing it, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Americans wear face masks and coverings in public areas. Read on as your Pleasant Grove dentist explains how to properly wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.