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4 Variables that Can Affect the Cost of Your Braces

May 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 5:43 pm
Woman with braces smiling and holding money

It bothers you that your teeth are crooked, and it’s not just about aesthetics. When your teeth rest unevenly, it can cause some major discomfort. But maybe you want to do all of your research before you commit to braces. It makes sense to want to know the facts first!

No doubt one of the factors you’re considering is the potential cost of your braces. A specific figure is difficult to narrow down – every patient’s needs are unique. Your dentist will provide equally unique treatment, meaning that one patient’s braces could be very different from another’s. However, there are at least four general pricing variables that you’ll want to be aware of.

#1. A Complex Dental Situation Means Complex Orthodontics

The main thing that goes into the price tag on braces is the complexity of your oral situation. As with many market prices, the longer and more intense your treatment needs to be, the more money you’re likely to spend. Any additional materials, accessories, and time will be reflected in your overall bill.

#2. Popcorn Kernels Can Put a Dent in Your Braces and Your Wallet

It’s important to follow your dentist’s care instructions for your braces. Yes, that includes avoiding the popcorn! For one thing, your oral health could suffer. For another thing, frequent trips to the office to fix a broken brace will definitely add up! Properly maintaining your braces with careful flossing and safe foods will ultimately save you money.

#3. Dental Insurance Could Blunt a Financial Blow

Dental insurance can be finicky. However, if you’re seeking orthodontic treatment to solve medical issues or on your dentist’s recommendation, your dental insurance is likely to cover at least part of the bill. You’ll want to review your benefits with your dental team to ensure you’re getting your premium’s worth!

#4. Flexible Financing Could Make Orthodontics Manageable

Another cost-alleviating option is to apply for a financing plan like CareCredit and Sunbit. Many dentists like partnering with these programs because they break your dental bill down into monthly chunks. So instead of paying the entire amount upfront, you could pay for smaller installments month by month – like a subscription plan. Many financing plans also offer little-to-no interest rate, meaning your payments and total will stay manageable.

Your Dentist is Better Than a Calculator

Having a rough idea of how these variables could factor into the cost of your braces is definitely useful. You might even be pleasantly reassured by your insurance or financing options. What might be more helpful though is that they’ll prepare you for your consultation with your dentist. If you know how they might affect you ahead of time, it’ll make talking and asking about them much easier.

Just remember that your dentist is going to have the most accurate estimate of what you can expect to spend!

About the Practice

Our team at Bear Creek Family Dentistry makes quality dental care affordable. We know that estimating the cost of traditional braces can be tricky, especially when navigating insurance benefits and financing plans. Give us a call at 972-490-1600 to schedule a consultation! We’ll help you calculate the numbers so you can feel confident in your treatment.

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