5 Ways Dental Practices Stay Germ-Free During COVID-19
April 30, 2020
Dental practices have always been some of the cleanest places in the country thanks to their strict sanitation protocols. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these standards have gotten even higher. Dentists across the nation are taking extraordinary precautions on top of their regular hygienic practices to ensure they can safely provide the dental care you may need after weeks in quarantine. Here are five ways your Mesquite dentist is keeping their office as clean as possible to safeguard your health if you need to come in for treatment.
Snack Smart to Avoid Dental Emergencies in Quarantine!
April 27, 2020
Imagine you’re eating popcorn while binge-watching Netflix or snacking on nuts as you work from home. Suddenly you hear a loud crunch followed by a pain in your mouth. The last thing you need is a broken or cracked tooth during the COVID-19 pandemic! That’s why it’s more important than ever that we snack smart and mind our munching habits while in quarantine. Find out what your Pleasant Grove dentist recommends eating to keep your smile happy, healthy, and intact while social distancing.
Which Types of Toothaches Are Dental Emergencies?
April 16, 2020
Are you wondering how to treat that pain in your smile? Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know how to soothe a toothache since so many different factors may be causing it. Some types of tooth pain can easily be remedied at home with better oral hygiene or pain relievers. However, other types of oral discomfort indicate a serious issue that needs to be treated right away. Read on to find out which types of toothaches can wait until your next dental appointment and which ones need urgent care from your Far North Dallas dentist.
Is It Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?
April 4, 2020
Take a close look at your toothbrush the next time you brush your teeth. You may discover that the bristles are much more frayed, flattened, or even discolored than when you first started using it. Not only are old toothbrushes unsightly, but research shows that they can put the health of your smile at risk as well. Your Love Field dentist explains how to tell if your toothbrush is past its prime and why you need to replace it.
How to Protect Your Child’s Oral Health During Quarantine
March 28, 2020
If you have children, chances are they are out of school in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While keeping them out of school is the best way to prevent them (as well as your other family members) from getting sick, a child without a routine is more likely to skip habits that are very important to their oral health. To make sure they don’t snack on sugary sweets or lose track of their oral hygiene during quarantine, keep these tips from a pediatric dentist in Pleasant Grove in mind!
5 Useful Methods for Disinfecting Your Toothbrush
March 20, 2020
Whether you just got over a cold, the flu, or even COVID-19, you’re probably thinking about how to disinfect your household so you don’t put any of your family members at risk of getting sick. Before you toss that toothbrush away, it’s worth considering that you can get rid of germs with a few do-it-yourself tricks recommended by a dentist in Love Field! All of them can be performed in the comfort of your home and many of them only use basic household materials!
At-Home Oral Care Tips When COVID-19 Prevents Routine Dental Visits
March 14, 2020
As COVID-19 continues to transform the way we live our daily lives, dental offices are doing what they can to prevent the spread of this harmful virus as well. In fact, dental practices around the country are going so far as to close their offices for routine care and only staying open to handle dental emergencies. While this is a great way to reduce the risk of new cases of COVID-19, it also means that patients need to remain diligent about their at-home oral care until offices reopen. According to a dentist in Mesquite, here’s what you need to do to ensure no dental disease develops until your next exam and cleaning!
Five Signs You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist
March 8, 2020
When a dental problem occurs, you shouldn’t have to second-guess yourself on whether or not you need to visit an emergency dentist for care. But unlike medical emergencies, dental problems are not always so cut and dry. If you experience any of the following signs throughout your day, now is the time to make a call to an emergency dentist in Far North Dallas and schedule an appointment. After all, it’s unlikely that it will get better on its own!
Your Heart Health and Your Smile
February 20, 2020
Believe it or not, the health of your teeth and gums are essential for more than just an attractive smile. Research shows your dental health directly influences your heart health. In fact, your mouth is often referred to as “the gateway to your general health.” There are several dental issues that can negatively impact your body, but gum disease is one of the biggest factors to compromise your wellbeing, especially the cardiovascular system. Your dentist in Pleasant Grove can protect your smile and heart by stopping the infection in its tracks.
Light Force — A Power for Good in the Community
February 19, 2020
A smile can light up a room, and kind deeds can light up a community. Dr. Twain Henry recognizes that fact, which is why he began LIGHT when he was in dental school. This volunteer organization seeks to inspire multicultural cooperation and unite people to do good for others. To learn more about LIGHT and how it is making a positive impact, visit https://dentistryinsider.tamhsc.edu/light-force/.