Your Dentist in Far North Dallas Is Giving Thanks — for You!
November 27, 2018
What are you giving thanks for this holiday season? Your family, your home, or your favorite group of friends — whatever it is, now is the time to count up what makes your life worth living. At Bear Creek Family Dentistry, your dentist in Far North Dallas doesn’t have to hesitate on what we are thankful for. The same as every year, at the top of our list is you and your family! Our patients are really the reason we do what we do, so thank you for making it possible for us to care for smiles in the Dallas area. Keep reading more about why we are so thankful for our large dental family across Dallas, Arlington, Mesquite, Euless, and Fort Worth!
When to Bring Your Child to a Pediatric Dentist in Mesquite
November 25, 2018
You fell in love with your baby’s smile the first time you saw it; that precious, gummy grin stole your heart. You want to make sure to care for that sweet smile so it stays healthy as your little one continues to grow, and a dental professional can help you do that. Let’s talk about when your child should have their first checkup by a pediatric dentist in Mesquite and how you can tell if you should bring your little one in for an emergency visit.
Smile! Your Dentist Says It’s Good for Your Health
November 16, 2018
A smile is a gesture that is universally recognized as a symbol of happiness. It’s a way to greet others that transcends cultural and linguistic differences. But did you know that smiling is more than just a tool to use in social situations? Turning your frown upside down can actually have tangible benefits for your mental and physical health. A dentist in Pleasant Grove is here to talk about how your grin can help you feel good from head to toe.
Need an Orthodontist? Visit Us for Your General and Special Dental Needs
November 5, 2018
A general dentist’s job is to help patients prevent oral health problems and provide treatment to correct issues like cavities, gum disease, and more. We’re proud to provide such services in the communities we serve. However, we also go above and beyond those basics. Our team includes a number of specialists who can address complex and unique dental situations. Whether you’re looking for a pediatric dentist, an oral surgeon, or an orthodontist in Northwest Dallas, you can make us your one-stop shop for all your oral health needs.
Pediatric Dentist in Pleasant Grove: Safety Tips to Know On Halloween
October 23, 2018
America is obsessed not only with Halloween, but consuming copious amounts of candy during the holiday. Unfortunately, it’s not only ghouls and skeletons you should be afraid of during your trick-or-treating or costume parties. According to recent studies on accidents happening on Halloween, 1 in 4 children get hurt in one way or another.
These incidents can occur for a wide variety of reasons, but you can avoid them by following these simple steps provided by a pediatric dentist in Pleasant Grove. After all, protecting teeth isn’t only about brushing, flossing, diet and dental visits!
Children’s Dentist in Far North Dallas Gives Helpful Halloween Tips
October 14, 2018
With the fall season comes changing tree colors, family gatherings, and Halloween celebrations! Considering that Halloween has such a large emphasis on candy, it can be difficult to ask your child to avoid it. Candy is one of the worst foods out there for teeth, but there are ways to enjoy it responsibly.
To help protect your child from cavities by the winter season, consider these essential tips from a children’s dentist in Far North Dallas!
Useful Halloween Tips from a Family Dentist in Northwest Dallas
October 10, 2018
There’s no other holiday quite like Halloween. Dressing up in awesome costumes and attending Halloween parties make it a holiday everyone can enjoy. Of course, with Halloween parties and costume contests comes a higher consumption of candy, sometimes throughout the entire month of October! If you end up developing cavities as a result of your candy binge, future Halloweens are going to be far more difficult to enjoy.
Luckily, there are ways you can help your teeth survive the onslaught of sugar. Here are three from a family dentist in Northwest Dallas to get you started.
Consider These Helpful Tips from an Emergency Dentist in Mesquite
October 6, 2018
Seeing your children dress up in the cutest costumes is not only fun for them, but perfect for a photo-op! What’s not so good for a photo-op is a damaged set of braces caused by Halloween candy. Avoiding orthodontic emergencies isn’t only good for your child’s holiday; it’s also critical to avoiding interruptions in their realignment.
That’s why an emergency dentist in Mesquite is explaining the most common orthodontic emergencies, how to handle them, and the proper steps for prevention.
Family Dentist in Far North Dallas Explains Tips on Flossing
September 25, 2018
One of the hardest habits for people to start is flossing, according to a family dentist in far North Dallas. A majority of the patients may brush, but flossing is still a rare habit the dentist notices people aren’t committing to. This is a shame considering that people who don’t floss are missing about 40 percent of their tooth surfaces, therefore only allowing bacteria to thrive and plaque to develop.
To learn more benefits of flossing and how to finally start the habit, keep reading!
How to Take Care of Your Braces in Pleasant Grove
September 18, 2018
Getting used to braces can be difficult at first, but once they come off, you’ll realize how much it was worth the wait. Having a perfectly straight smile doesn’t only improve your self-confidence, but your oral health as well. Oral hygiene will be far easier and you’ll feel so proud to show it off to friends and family!
Before you can though, you’ll need to consider these essential tips to maintain your oral health. To learn what to practice and what to avoid after receiving braces in Pleasant Grove, keep reading!