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Tooth Extractions – DFW, TX 

Start-to-Finish Tooth Extractions

Extracted tooth sitting on wood table next to dental equipment

At Bear Creek Family Dentistry, we’re proud to have several in-house specialists that can assist with tooth repair, removal, and replacement. We’re proud to offer comprehensive services that can take your tooth extraction treatment from start-to-finish, all in the same friendly and familiar dental office! From simple tooth extractions, surgical removals, and wisdom tooth extractions, our team has what you need to remove that problematic tooth and get your oral health back on track.  If you’d like reliable dental solutions provided by compassionate staff in a comfortable atmosphere, contact one of our offices in Forth Worth, Arlington, Dallas, Grapevine, or Mesquite to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Bear Creek Family Dentistry For Tooth Extractions? 

  • Board-Certified Specialists Ensure A Comfortable Extraction
  • Wisdom Tooth Extractions Also Available 
  • We Accept Dental Insurance, Medicaid, & CHIP

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Dentist and patient reviewing X-ray

Tooth extractions are generally considered a last resort. Natural teeth are usually pretty resilient, so it’s best to treat, preserve, or restore them when possible. However, certain complications can jeopardize your overall oral health. For example, some cases of dental infection will spread if the source isn’t removed. Other times, growing teeth can become blocked by existing pearly whites, as is often the case with wisdom teeth. Sometimes, a tooth is simply too damaged to be repaired, so the safest option is to remove it. Whatever the situation may be, we’ll work with you to ensure your comfort and safety during tooth extraction.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Illustration of tooth being extracted from a dental line up

First, we’ll thoroughly examine your affected tooth and your mouth. If tooth extraction is the best option, we’ll apply a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort.

When a problematic tooth is fully grown, we can often perform a simple extraction. This simply involves gently loosening your tooth until it eases out of place. In situations where the tooth is fully or partially trapped below the gumline, we can perform a surgical extraction. We’ll need to remove a bit of your oral tissue to reach your tooth. In order to preserve as much bone as possible, trapped teeth are often extracted in separate pieces.

Once your treatment is complete, we’ll review your aftercare instructions, provide advice for managing soreness, and go over your tooth replacement options. Before you know it, you’ll be back to life as usual!

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman sleeping peacefully on couch during tooth extraction recovery

Rest assured that we’ll provide detailed instructions to help ensure your health and safety after tooth extraction. We’ll also answer any questions you might have in the moment or during your recovery. In general, though, here’s what you can expect for aftercare:

  • Taking over-the-counter or prescribed pain relievers
  • Getting plenty of rest and relaxation! Exercise and strenuous physical activity can increase your blood flow, potentially impairing the healing process.
  • Avoiding hard, crunchy, sticky, and spicy foods that could irritate your sore mouth or endanger your stitches.
  • Staying hydrated with plenty of water – without using a straw. The suction could dislodge the blood clot that’s keeping your treatment site safe and secure.
  • Carefully brushing and flossing the treatment site. 24 hours after your extraction, you can simply rinse your mouth with a saltwater mixture. Salt is great for promoting healing and preventing infection.
  • Staying away from tobacco products. These could cause infection, so it’s especially important to avoid them!

You’ll likely experience some discomfort in the form of aches, light bleeding, and swelling. This is considered normal. However, if these symptoms persist for a few days, give us a call. We’ll take a look at your treatment site for potential complications.